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May 5, 2020

Women In Philanthropy – Three Ways to Boost Your Career

(Credit to Lori Kranczer, Esq. as published in Forbes June 14, 2019)

It is estimated that 75% of the nonprofit workforce is female. Many of philanthropy’s largest donors are female including Melinda Gates, Priscilla Chan, and even Oprah! But did you know that being involved in philanthropy can help support women’s career advancement? Well, it can!

Getting involved in philanthropy is an investment that will continue to reap benefits for years to come. For career-minded women, it can be a rewarding experience that offers many professional and personal advantages. The benefits of serving a non-profit organization include expanding your professional network with well-connected individuals, building your resume with leadership skills, and empowering yourself-worth and purpose.

1) Do you need to develop more leadership skills? Join a non-profit board.

If you are looking to excel in your career and want to build relationships with potential mentors and established professionals, a non-profit organization board or committee is the perfect place to do just that. Even volunteering can help young professionals feel more equipped to advance in their careers. Serving on a board can be challenging and rewarding but gives the perfect opportunity to sharpen your leadership skills. Being a board member is a one-stop shop experience that exposes you to different teamwork dynamics,business strategies, and insights, while at the same time improving you financial acumen.

2) Do you need to build confidence and purpose? Be a donor.

Passionate people give to the organizations that they care about. The causes that you support and the reasons behind your donations shape you and your image to your friends, family,and community. Just like working hard, networking, and thinking strategically about finding your path, giving to the causes that you love can be used strategically, as well.

A donation of any size is always appreciated by an organization. However, if you want to get recognized for an impactful gift without a current outlay of significant funds,consider a legacy gift. You will be recognized now for a gift that you will make much later. These value-based gifts can be significant to an organization,and their donors are given recognition for support toward their mission. The benefits of legacy gifts to your career include humanitarian recognition within the community, opportunities to network with other donors like yourself, and insider views of the workings of an impactful organization.

3) Do you want to develop transferable organizational skills? Work in a non-profit.

Non-profits are organizational machines. Whether you work in a large, national organization or a small, grass-roots non-profit, you are sure to gain a tremendous amount of experience, including programmatic and fundraising skills. If you choose to take these skills to the for-profit sector, they morph into the highly-desirable skills of product creation and new business development. Same skills, different sector.

PB and K Family Foundation would like to add a 4th option to this list.

4) Want to expand your skill set and boost your mood? Be a volunteer!

Volunteers are often known to acknowledge that by volunteering they receive more than they give. It feels good. But did you know there are numerous scientific studies which indicate it can be great for your physical health as well as mental wellness? Research studies from Harvard, Stanford, Carnegie Mellon and others indicate that volunteering and helping others can be excellent for your health. Of course, it is wonderful to volunteer to be altruistic or improve your skill set. But, it can’t hurt to support your well-being through volunteerism.

Almost all P B and K Family Foundation grantees need volunteers at some point each year. So if you need a place to start – check out the links to all of our grantees on our homepage. Just click their logo to learn more about each organization and how to get involved.  Or, visit our resources page highlighting volunteer opportunities: click here.

The Greek philosopher Aristotle once surmised that the essence of life is “To serve others and do good.” Any interaction you have with philanthropy can be fulfilling. But utilizing a deeper engagement with philanthropy as an untapped area of skills-building and networking will help to grow your career and prospects for years to come.

For Lori Kranczer’s original article – click here.